Uptime information (SLA)

Node uptime: 100%

The hardware platform we developed since 2013 and implemented in 2017 is designed for stability, availability and performance.
Our engineering team is actively monitoring and working on improvements to minimize impact when hardware failure occurs.
At the current stage, the hardware platform allows your VPS(VM) to change hardware nodes in real-time with downtime less than 1ms, increasing availability and support flexibility.

Network uptime: 100%

Our uplinks and routing are redundant, offering 100% uptime connectivity in one of the best premium datacenters in Europe.

Maintenance considerations:

Uptime is guaranteed during maintenance as well, therefore maintenance windows schedule does not affect service quality or uptime of your services.

Your VPS is guaranteed to be online 100% of the time, except the following situations:

  • Upgrades/Downgrades performed on your VPS
  • Service suspensions for AUP violations, overdue invoices, etc.
  • Time spent installing or setting up the VPS
  • Denial of Service attacks
  • Any other issues caused by the client

We agree to refund or credit clients upon request for downtime caused by us.

Based on any affected instances' monthly cost, as outlined below:

Effective Approx. Availability Outage Time Frame Credit Amount
99.99% Less than 9 minutes 1 day
99.98% 10 – 59 minutes 2 days
99.85% 1 – 2 hours 4 days
99.70% 2 – 4 hours 6 days
99.50% 4 – 7 hours 12 days
99.00% 7+ hours 28 days

The request for refund has to be sent no more than 14 days after the downtime incident took place.

  • 45 Users Found This Useful
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